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#Repository properties

Repository properties are stored in a properties file named mdd.properties under the repository base project (project root, in Eclipse).

This is an example:



Not a property per se, a prefix for aliases. Example:

# map references to package 'foo' to package 'bar' (foo::MyClass becomes bar::MyClass)

# maps base::Object to mypackage::mysubpackage::MyObject

Note that this file uses the Java Properties file format, so colon and equals must be escaped.


If defined and set to true, the built-in mdd_types library package becomes available. You can then import mdd_types in your models.


If defined and set to true, the built-in mdd_collections library package becomes available. In order to use the TextUML Action Language, you need to enable this property.


A shortcut for enabling all built-in libraries (types and collections).


If defined and set to true, the built-in mdd_extensions profile becomes available (you don’t need to apply it). In order to use the TextUML Action Language, you need to enable this property.


If defined and set to true, all classes with no explicit ancestor will extend from a class named base::Object. If you would like to extend from a different class, you can use mdd.aliases to map from base::Object to the base class of your choice. If you want to use the built-in Object class, then you will need to enable mdd.enableTypes or mdd.enableLibraries or else the compiler won’t be able to find base::Object.


If defined, sets an implicit extension for extension-less files. Set to ‘tuml’ so you don’t need to explicitly use .tuml in your TextUML source files.

See also